Trending News
01 Feb 2025

Tag: Innovation


Women’s Leadership and Workplace Wellness 

Bridget Ross is proactive in support of women’s leadership and workplace wellness. To stay in the know, she regularly attends the most innovative conferences for budding entrepreneurs and seasoned executives. Ross is fueled by the electricity and knowledge brewing in these spaces!

Bridget Ross Womens Health Luncheon

Brigham Health – Annual Women’s Health Luncheon 

Bridget Ross on Brigham Health’s Annual Women’s Health Luncheon, the Heart of the Matter The Brigham and Women’s Mary Horrigan Connors Center for Women’s Health and Gender Biology together with The Linda Joy Pollin Women’s Heart Center, held its annual Women’s Health Luncheon on May…

Bridget Ross TiECON EAST 2019
Leadership Conferences

TiECON East 2019 

Bridget Ross recently started working with her home country’s Consulate General serving as a mentor for their Technology Accelerator program.  Through this affiliation, she was invited to the TiECON EAST 2019 program in Boston, a one-day conference which fosters entrepreneurship through Networking, Mentoring, Funding and…

CRISPR Scientists Omar Abudayyeh and Jonathan Gootenberg

CRISPR Innovators and Sherlock Bioscience Founders 

The local NPR station here in Boston, WBUR has a series called BOSTON BRILLIANCE that introduces audiences to some of the brightest minds in the area.Two of those bright young minds were scientists at a CitySpace event this week who recently started their own lab…


Flexible Workspaces 

Professionally, and personally, teams thrive when each member is valued. That’s why inclusivity is the cornerstone of my approach to leadership. Natasha Stokes of JLL Real Views expresses a similar view in her article How Flexible Workspaces Can Tackle Loneliness in the Office.